May 11, 2019

Pfaff 1473 (Late 1980s)

After several years of happy use with my 1471 I really wanted the upgrade to the 1473 or 1475
Don't know the diff between those two but the diff between the 71 and 73 is mostly styling and a large increase in decor stitches.

The 1471 is an excellent machine, I use it exclusively for lightweight leather; from 1mm - 1.5mm.
The 1473 will do the same job for me if all goes well.

My career long devotion to Human Factors is also in play; all of the flat buttons have been replaced from the 71 with nice proud of surface buttons. These are esier to see and feel. The color choice is also more inviting.

On initial trials the needle threader needs adjustment and it needed new AA batts

It runs smooth and quiet. I think I am totally sold on IDT and won't consider anything without it.

Made in "West Germany" is one of the vintage aspects of this machine that seems to intrigue people; not sure if all 73s were pre 1990 but I think the 7000 series machines are all "German." Now that I look at them the 7000s have many details from the 1400s.

It is a pretty machine and does every thing one could ask.

So now the "Stable" looks like this:
1473 for heavy work, Designer I for light duty work, and the Cricut Maker for labels and patterns! All stored away in the cabinet above one of my work stations.

Returning to my Automotive references the curvaceous lines of the 60s made way for the hard edged styling of the 80s.
I the classic American "Boat" mode the Continental has it all!