My Other Blogs

January 21, 2012

Kenmore 158.13011 (1969)

Another 158 series Kenmore (made in 1969), a gift from Milda. It had some strange issues the worst of which was the main cam screws being loose; a difficult problem to diagnose, I don't think that it caused any damage.

Not the worlds most attractive machine, nothing but the basics, and a blind hem cam.

I will say that it is VERY smooth the Engineers really got this model balanced out well. It has a totally unique spring loaded motor mount; something that could have been on all of the other machines of that day, one that makes tensioning and changing the belt a "no tools" job.

A Scimitar? Bizzaro!


  1. I just picked up this machine yesterday at the Salvation Army. As always, I fall in love with every machine I 'adopt' and will have a problem passing this on one. What a nice, quiet machine! I wish it had come with a manual, but I figured it out! I just found your blog, and I love it. I love how you compare cars with the sewing machines. You ar now on my list of reads. Thanks!

  2. Kenmore machines from this time period (in my humble opinion) weren't the most attractive but they are durable & well made! Great sewing machines!

  3. Just bought this exact machine yesterday. Got it cleaned up and sewing nicely. The only thing I can't get to work is the blind hem stitch. Do you happen to know where I can download a manual? Or suggest what I can look for as far as fixing the problem?

    1. Hi Lisa
      Did you find a manual? If so, could you tell me where? I am looking fir one too. I can seem to get any belt tension with the motor. Thanks!

  4. I just picked this model up at my local Restore and the motor just flops loosely with no belt tension. I cant find any information on how to adjust this online. Any ideas?

    1. These Kenmores had a spring on the hinge like mounting
      If the spring is broken (unlikely) then it will have to be replaced
      You can use a piece of foam stuffed down into the gap between motor and machine to test it out

    2. Hey Tom
      Spring doesn't appear to be broken, but definitely no tension. Not sure how the spring should be set up, but I think something might be wrong there. Any suggestions? Thanks!

    3. I'm not at home rigtht now, when I get back I can shoot a picture of it for you
      There aren't any I can find on the intrnet but the general arrangement looks like this
      If the belt is way too long you could run out of tension also

  5. Thank you! I will look for the spring.

  6. Thanks Tom. I figured it out. I thought my problem was on the motor but my belt had actually slipped off the hand wheel pulley. Your effort is greatly appreciated on this!

  7. I just got this machine at Goodwill for $20 in a cabinet. I can't find a manual. Does anyone know where to get a manual? ;(. Top thread keeps breaking when it goes into the bobbin area. Also when I try to catch the bobbin thread to pull it up, it takes maybe 10 attempts. Breaking needles as well. I'm new to sewing so not used to working on these. Thank you for any advice!

  8. Where would I be able to sell one of these beautys

  9. I have this machine and I have never had a problem with it. I have made a lot of quilts and she still hums right along. Strong as a horse.

  10. Hi, just wondering, will this machine sew leather?

  11. Just bought this machine today. I have been looking all over for information on replacement bobbin cases and shuttle hooks. I found a manual online! I have a PDF of it now. Most of the replacement parts found online do not say they are compatible with this specific model. Does anybody know where I can buy this strangely specific bobbin case and shuttle hook? Thank you!
