My Other Blogs

September 18, 2011

Kenmore 158.523 (1966)

So my new rule is (except for the coveted) no more than $15 and I have to like the design of course. At the local Church rummage sale this Kenmore (made in 1966) was calling me.

Another outstanding Japanese made machine with a 1.2amp motor, ZZ, and multiple cam options that are loaded thru the top door.

After a couple hours of clean-up it came back to life; the motor could not move it because it was so gummed up and packed with thread dust around the hook. Sometimes it takes a lot of oiling and turning to get it free!

For a test project I decided to make Bertie a blanket with integral pillow.

Bertie has adopted a spot on the floor next to my side of the bed and because he loves to cop a lean on what ever is adjacent I added the pillow. Being a brat however, it may be some time before he will use it.

Update: he loves it... took to it the 1st night!



  1. I love these Kenmores! There's another version that's all lilac. It doesn't take cams.

  2. Yes the Kenmores are great sewing machines. they really did there engineering homework, they seem to be very robust. I have another Kenmore on the work bench almost ready to post.

    1. My grandmother sent me this machine in cabinet when I was 12 years old and I still own it today in perfect working condition at the age of 57

  3. I just bought this exact machine for $3! It works beaitifully. I like it, also, because I am new to sewing and I think all the bells and whistles the new machines have would confuse me. I was wondering though, where could I find more cams? Mine only has one. It is double sided and burnt orange in color. A lady in my online vintage kenmore group said she has several green ones, but I'm not sure they'll work.

    1. Where in the WORLD did you find this for only $3??!! I am impressed! My “Lavender Lady” was $40 and even THAT is a steal to me!

    2. There are several Vintage Groups on line that you can join for free! I did and that is how I got cams for my machine.!Make sure you measure the spool that the cams go on because they DO HAVE DIFFERENT SIZES. The first set I bought In”Thought”‘would fit DIDN’T. Be sure of the 4 hole design as well. I was LUCKY that when I got my machine home I opened it up and there was ONE CAM IN it! The #1 CAM! Many told me that #1 is the MOST IMPR AND RARE to find, they usually get lost.

  4. My fiances grandmother just gave me her Kenmore of this exact model. I cleaned it and it looks great but when I begin sewing there are small sparks in the motor. Any advice?

    1. These are excellent machines, the brushes may be worn out, if you can get at them they could be replaced.
      Not sure how hard to get a used motor is due to the unique mounting.

    2. Check out the Vintage Machines Groups they may be more knowledgeable in that area, I personally don’t play with the electrical wiring EXCEPT to install a new motor. I believe the alohasew motor mounting may work in your machine . It is about $30 on sewing parts

      Motor, L Type, 220V, Alphasew #NA35L-220V

  5. Does anyone have an owners manual they can share for this machine?

    1. I saw someone post a comment on another site with a copy of the manual. I'm looking at buying one off craigslist and downloaded it.

      Here it is: (it's the 2nd comment down)

    2. You can download the manual for the 158-523 on - i actually have this Vintage Kenmore and Love IT!

    3. You can download the manual for the 158-523 on - i actually have this Vintage Kenmore and Love IT!

  6. How much do you think this Kenmore sewing machine is worth 2015 in excellent condition

    1. Finding a buyer is the issue; see what Ebay says.
      But an Ebay number is one that has 1000's of viewers, where as Craig's List has an audience of 10's.
      So $25 +- $10

    2. Most people are looking for a Vintage sewing machine These days. Anything made after 1980 is not too popular. If I had a 2015 Model the one thing that would possibly sell it better would be stressing the “FEATURES “ And you oh possibly could get $50-$75 for it. Singer models are more sought after but I won’t own a Singer machine unless it is VINTAGE -newer machines have TOO MUCH PLASTIC - plastic is MADE to BREAK, Vintage mostly Metal and Metal is MADE TO LAST !

    3. Look for local garage sales on Facebook in your area to joy and list it on every one you can, you will get a buyer.

    4. Join local garage sale groups

  7. The only problem with eBAY is shipping. You don't want to ship this herken monster! I have one of these in a cabinet and they were built to last for several hundred years.

  8. I just got a 158-523 in great condition including the cabinet for $20.00 and a quick stop at a McDees for a McChicken!
